Monday, March 12, 2007

Exclusive interview with Baklava

Some supermodel: So tell us, Baklava, where did you find inspiration for the HC soap you wrote?
Baklava: Well it's sort of hard to say. I mostly gathered it from around Heroes Community, movies, stuff around us, but some are just coming directly from my slightly demented brain.
Supermodel: Mhm... Is there any one person who you might thank the most for the inspiration?
Baklava: Yes, of course there is. There are many persons actually, but I guess I am mostly grateful to KnightDougal. I have also gained a lot of ideas looking at Fortress_Fan, since he's totally different than anyone else around us. Like he's been living in a cave for the last 40 years feeding only on American propaganda and Harry Potter novels. No offence.
Supermodel: Who is your favourite secondary character in the series?
Baklava: I don't know actually. Perhaps Doomos Forges, since I made him as an incarnation of everything bad about organised religion, especially catholicism. But it's a close call between him and Sir Consis the Noble, who had a short but great part. I hope Consis sees that; he gets like really pissed whenever I call him a noble... He-he...
Supermodel: What do you think of the mods? I've noticed you didn't like them in the beginning of your browsing HC, and now you made them the main "good guys" in the soap.
Baklava: When I was against them it was just a part of my global struggle against the authorities... No, I don't know why I struggle with the authorities. I'm a 15 year old anarchist, I guess that explains something. Later on, I've noticed that mods aren't bad at all, especially since they have to deal with people like Fortress_Fan every day...
Supermodel: What about the second season? Are you planning to make it?
Baklava: I don't know. Depends on the sudden idea-attacks and stuff like that. Ideas mostly come to me while I'm under a shower or something like that, and I forget them when I come out and try to type them...
Supermodel: I see... Well, we could go on and on about this, but we have to bring this to an end eventually.
Supermodel: Uhm... We're not finished yet...
Baklava: Oh.
Supermodel: I just wanted to ask you, why are you such a freaking egoist that you interview yourself and make up supermodels to help you in that?
Baklava: Well why not?
Supermodel: Indeed. Finally, what do you have to say to the youth of today?
Baklava: Well, basically, to have their own opinion on things. Not to allow themselves to get influenced by propaganda or their environment. To respect nature since mankind has been raping it long enough and it's starting to show. Oh yes, and to eat their greens and drink a lot of milk, so that they grow up to be strong and awesome just like me.
Supermodel: Alright, it has been nice talking to you. Goodbye.
Baklava: Nice talking to you too. See ya.
More bonus material coming soon...

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